RECENT EXHIBITIONS > My Name Is Yours, Chase Gallery 2024

See Exhibition photos here

Artist Statement for the My Name Is Yours Exhibition

All of my works presented in the “My Name Is Yours” exhibition are an artistic meditation allowing both the audience and the artist to identify with the familiar labels, to remember/re-experience the sense of exile such words can generate, and then to “stitch over” any old wounds with agency and levity.

The artworks included in this exhibition are selected from three con-current, on-going series.

Public Image series: Recounting memorable expressions of name-calling and labelling many females experience while growing up, I am re-purposing a typology language previously used to affect difference and “otherness”. Through laconic humour and employing a traditional craft medium, I am reclaiming “otherness” as a powerful statement of individuality. This is emancipatory art within the Feminist art tradition of subversive text. 

Imagining times when we just speak our frustration and truths.

Tags:Uniforms, conferences, workshops often require us to label/name ourselves. This new series is an exploration of the “Name Tags” I’d hand out if given the chance to re-name some individuals. 

My Name is Yours
September 2024
The Chase Gallery, Halifax, Nova Scotia
A group exhibition curated by Eisner/Feit
~ from the exhibition statement: "At the heart of this exhibition lies the recognition that personal narratives are never isolated; they are intricately connected to the broader fabric of social, cultural, and political contexts. Each piece of art is a testament to the ways in which personal struggles and triumphs are shaped by and, in turn, shape the world around us.

~~ Image: In situ in studio prepping for exhibition.